The Deep Blue Sea HUNT GUIDE
Welcome to another epic round of Chronicles & Legends! We are so honored to have you join us for this exciting event and hunt! Get ready to dive into the deep blue sea! Take a trip into the oceans blue and find deviously magical mermaids, frightening krakens, and mysterious creatures. Sail the high seas and discover some pirate treasure adventures with us on our free gridewide hunt and chill out with open:air’s live event experiences. Adventure calls!
Have fun and remember to join the Chronicles & Legends Update Group or our Discord Server for help with the hints, event information, and friendship with some amazing people.
If you’d like to see the prizes for the round you can check out our Discord as linked above or the Shopping Guide on the website.
The hunt starts at the entrance of Chronicles & Legends. Simply click the hunt prim example by the Deep Blue Sea HUNT sign to receive your landmark to your first destination. You’ll be looking for a Treasure Chest in each of the stores you visit! The landmark to the next location will be located in the folder along with your prize. Hints can be found at each store by clicking the example on the hunt sign, alternatively you can use this page for hints.
~Click here to go to starting point!~
“Looking for treasure, pirate? Why don’t you take a seat? I’m sure the answer will be illuminating.”
“Not all of the mermaids are good and nice”
“Love me some group gifties!”
Prehistorica: The Dawn Kingdoms
“Find me where the deep blooms with life.”
“The coral may light your way”
“These tattoos are next to a free elf head, enjoy”
“The reward is not floating in the sky, but down within familiar depths”
“The World’s finest lies under beneath the waves, meditate underwater and you will find the treasure. “
Subcutan Art Gallery and Multimedia Centre
“Follow the song of the beauty to the water, near the beach. Find the Oceans Daughter it’s not hard to reach.”